Wednesday December 15th
So the traveling has been good, the culture is interesting, the people are so nice, but the teaching is so difficult. I have such a hard time being taken seriously. I speak and they just look at me. Even when I think I am being mean they think I'm funny. It has shown some signs of improvement but it is still exhausting. I come in every day with lessons planned and rarely do I get through an entire one. Just when I give up planning lessons and I don't do much for the next day, that's when the kids decide to behave themselves and listen to me and I don't have enough prepared. I have to plan a lesson every day like they are going to sit there and listen and then cross my fingers.
My kindergarten classes don't show up or if they do it is an hour or so past the time they are scheduled. I am really trying to go with the flow but it's hard. I thought I was good at going with the flow. This is testing all kinds of patience. I thought working behind a bar would prepare me for this but I think it's the other way around. The kids here are like a collection of small, very intoxicated customers. At least I can have customers thrown out. They frown upon that here, I tried once.
The kids told one of their teachers that they like me because I look like a barbie doll. Not something you want your grade school kids saying about you. One kid keeps trying to look up skirt and one of my 2nd graders pinched my ass yesterday. I guess they are more like bar patrons then I thought.
Tomorrow the school has sports day which means they all go downtown for a parade and they march to the river. I think it ends in some sort of sporting even (I would assume) but I'm not sure. The school band has been practicing all week which has been cool to watch. If there is one thing the Thai people know how to do it's put on a parade. They go all out. It should be interesting.
The other weekend in Lopburi was just what I needed. I have been a little discouraged about my time here and about being out in the middle of nowhere by myself so to actually get out and travel and see other teachers (who speak english!!) was great. I think that city is more like what I pictured I would be living in. I like my town it's just a lot more difficult to get around. In Lopburi you are within walking distance or a short songtaew (pick up truck taxi) ride away from everything. I luckily have very nice people around me who are looking out for me. I have a motorbike that I borrowed and am getting more comfortable with that. I drove it into town to the market by myself the other day. That was very exciting. Its nice to not have to call someone to take me into town when I need water or food or toilet paper. I really like riding it because when I have my helmet on, I think that they can't tell I'm foreign. I'm sure I still stick out but its the only time I think that I might blend in a little.
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