Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It has been such a long week. I can’t believe I have only been here a week. It feels like a month. The week in Bangkok dragged on and on and was so stressful. I was a anxious wreck the entire time. When I said that my situation was better than most that was kind of a lie. I would say it’s better then 5 or 6 out of the 53 that are in the program. Some people are still in Bangkok partying it up for another 2 weeks. Some people are on the beach with others to keep them company. Five of them are together in some resort town in a really nice school. Then there are 2 girls that were sent to war zones on the Cambodian border. Another intern, Mark, who was in the van with me on the way up here, has it so much worse. The AYC people dropped him off after me a few hours north. I talked to him on the phone a bit ago and his apartment smells like gasoline, so much that he can’t sleep in there. He slept in the office of the school last night. He is completely alone with no english speakers in a giant school that is right off of some major highway. He said that there is nothing else around for miles.
There is no reason that we should just be dropped off out here in the middle of nowhere in a country that is foreign to us at schools where no one speaks english and where we are expected to teach the entire school single handedly with no experience at all. That is not an “Internship.” I have been praying for peace and for wisdom to know if and when I should pack it in and head home but I am feeling okay right now. It comes in waves. I just hope that this teaching thing isn’t too overwhelming. 

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